New Project in Glasgow: Women, Destitution & No Recourse to Public Funds

20th September 2022

The Glasgow Violence Against Women Partnership (GVAWP) have announced the launch of the Women, Destitution & No Recourse to Public Funds Project, developed by the Women, Asylum, Immigration and Refugee Working Group (WAIR).

The project is a joint initiative between the GVAWP, Glasgow Women’s Aid and British Red Cross and has been funded by GCC Financial Inclusion Services.

The Project was developed based on the shared concerns about the increasing numbers of women subject to ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’ (NRPF) condition because of their immigration status. NRPF restricts access to certain public services and benefits, defined in UK immigration rules, this applies to most income-based benefits, local authority housing allocations and homelessness services.

Many women have no control over their immigration situation due to experiencing all forms of gender based violence and abuse. Access to the right information for women is key and particularly access to information regarding their immigration and support options which are often intertwined.

What We Are Doing

Delivering a project that  organisations or services including Immigration Lawyers can apply to on behalf of women:

  • To provide a basic safety net and prevent crisis
  • To inform and develop inclusive and trauma informed responses to women with NRPF who are experiencing/fleeing/affected by any form of male violence (against women & girls)
  • To access safe housing for up to 14 days, (safe housing to be sourced/identified by the referrer)
  • To facilitate access to healthcare
  • To access cash based living allowance for food and other essential needs
  • Access essential specialist immigration advice and benefits information to allow women to safely enter mainstream services
  • Raise awareness of the challenges experienced by women subject to immigration controls
  • Identify pathways which prevent destitution, highlight and inform the development of good practice
  • Inform GVAWP, COSLA and Scottish Government of the needs of this vulnerable group of women

Referral Criteria

  • Women aged 18 years or over without children, adult or other dependents
  • Women must be connected to the Glasgow City Council authority area
  • Experiencing or fleeing male violence as recognised by the GVAWP definition of violence against women and girls and seeking alternatives to being at risk of, destitution, homelessness or rooflessness, abuse, further exploitation or harm
  • Be subject to No Recourse to Public Funds
  • No previous involvement in the asylum system

To Make A Referral

  • The project is managed and delivered by Glasgow Women’s Aid and British Red Cross
  • To request a referral form or further information contact [email protected]

The project operates Monday to Friday within office hours.

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