About the NRNE Partnership
Working together in the North east of Scotland to protect the rights of and increase quality support to people with No Recourse to Public Funds

The No Recourse, North East working group was set up in 2014 with the aim of sharing experience and learning with partner agencies, focusing on supporting people with No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) .
The primary drivers for establishing the group were significant concerns around inconsistent decision-making by public bodies on the entitlements of non-UK nationals, a lack of confidence and expertise in the third sector around NRPF, and concerns about a lack of a safety net for some non-UK women fleeing domestic abuse.
The group is made up mainly of third sector organisations (facilitated by staff members of GREC, Shelter Scotland and Turning Point Scotland) as well as representatives from the public sector, e.g. housing advice teams and financial inclusion local authority staff and NHS Grampian Teams. Please visit our Partners page to see the full list of groups.
Increasingly organisations in the North East are working with individuals with a status of No Recourse to Public Funds and our aim is to:
…ensure those individuals from ethnic minority communities with a status of NRPF affected by or threatened with homelessness, domestic abuse and/or destitution receive appropriate and good quality advice and support.