Resources for families with children
Advice and Support for Non-UK Nationals
Does Your VISA State ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’?
Help for families
The NRPF Network has information for migrant families about where they can get help with housing and financial support when they have no recourse to public funds (NRPF). The online tool is at Housing and support options for migrant families | Compas (
Use this tool to find out if a person:
- May be able to claim benefits and social housing
- May be able to get help from social services
- Might need to seek immigration advice
Although this tool was developed in England, information is included for the situation in Scotland too.
Education and help at school
All children, regardless of their immigration status, can receive state school education whilst they are of compulsory school age. There are very few exceptions but full information can be found in the COSLA Migrants Rights and Entitlements Guide
Free School Meals
Your child might get a free lunch in school, early learning or childcare if you’re experiencing financial hardship and your immigration status means you cannot get help from the government. You can find the relevant information for your local council at School meals –
School holiday meal payments
You may be able to get help with school meals during school holidays in 2024/25. Families who get free school meals during term time will automatically receive payments of £2.50 per day, per child during the summer holidays. You need to contact your local council to find out how to apply.
Best Start Foods (information updated 28th October 2024)
Best Start Foods is a prepaid card that can help you buy healthy foods like milk or fruit.
Best Start Foods if you have no access to public funds –
You may be able to get Best Start Foods for your child even if you cannot get certain benefits because of your immigration status.
You can get Best Start Foods if you meet all of these conditions:
- you’re responsible for at least one child under 3 (not including pregnancies)
- your family income is £2086.00 or less a month after tax for a couple or £1763.18 or less a month after tax for a single adult
- you’re not able to claim public funds either because of your immigration status or because you do not have an immigration status
- you have an address in Scotland
When you apply, you need to tell Social Security Scotland that you’re applying under these conditions. They’ll ask you to provide some supporting information for each of these conditions.
The condition that the child should be a British citizen was removed for any new claims made on or after 5 August 2024. So long as all the conditions are met an application can be made.
These payments are not considered public funds by the Home Office and any application will absolutely have no effect on the client’s immigration status.
We would encourage anyone who meets the conditions to make a claim
The Scottish Refugee Council provides a Family Rights Service which supports parents and their children from the start to the end of the asylum process.
Me 2 Scheme for 2 year-olds
All local authorities in Scotland now offer ‘Early Learning and Childcare’ provision for 2 year olds whose families are in receipt of support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.
The Aberdeen City Council leaflet has more details on this.
If you are seeking asylum and have school age children
If you are waiting for an asylum claim to be decided and living in ‘Section 95’ housing (i.e. receiving support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999), you are eligible for free school meals.
Baby boxes
The Scottish Government provides a free baby box to every new baby that is born and living in Scotland. The box contains essential items for the baby and can be used for the baby to sleep in. The mother will receive the box in weeks 32 to 36 of her pregnancy and can apply for it through her midwife. All babies will be eligible to receive the box, regardless of their or their parents’ nationality and immigration status. As the box can only be applied for through a midwife, only women engaged with health services will be able to receive it.