Information for people seeking asylum

We have links to general resources here.

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The new UK Government has canceled the Rwanda Plan. Our resources were created based on the previous policy. We understand this change may affect many people, and we will provide updated information and support soon.

Rwanda detentions

Since the passing of the Illegal Migration Act and the new Rwanda Safety Bill, we have seen immediate action from the UK Government in implementing plans to forcibly remove vulnerable individuals. The Home Office are forging ahead at an extremely heightened pace to identify individuals for removal to Rwanda, a country that our own UK Supreme Court has ruled as unsafe. The Safety of Rwanda Act has enabled the UK Government to ignore the Supreme Court ruling and progress with their harmful plans.

We know this is extremely frightening for our community members and we stand in solidarity with all those seeking protection in Scotland and across the UK.

Our priority at the moment is to ensure that those who may be affected understand who is at risk, what they can do and where they can source information and get support. We also want to ensure that our local communities understand the risks and how they can support those in their community.

Who is At Risk?

People seeking asylum may be at risk of detention/removal to Rwanda if:


      • You arrived in the UK on or after 1st January 2022

      • Your journey was deemed by the Home Office to have been dangerous or ‘irregular’

      • You don’t have children with you

    The communications to look out for from the Home Office include:


        • A Notice of Intent letter

        • A decision letter which mentions the inadmissibility rules

        • A letter stating removal decision

        • A letter detailing removal directions which specifically mention Rwanda

      If you have received any of these letters or think you may be at risk of removal, speak to your legal representative urgently.

      In Scotland, McGlashan McKay have confirmed they will prioritise cases for those at risk of removal to Rwanda. We would also recommend contacting your local MP.

      We know the Home Office is currently mobilising to place individuals identified for removal into detention across the UK prior to removal.

      We urge anyone who may be at risk to make a plan in case of detention, including:


          • ensuring you know the name of your solicitors company, not just your individual caseworker

          • keep a written note of key contacts including legal representative, detention support agencies, friends and other
            support agencies

          • have printed copies of important documents and perhaps have these stored somewhere safe (with
            lawyer/caseworker/friend with secure status

          • get in touch with your legal representative and support agencies

          • ensure you have someone accompany you to any reporting visits and they have a copy of your important contacts. No Evictions Network can help with this through their buddy system.

          • do not sign anything without consulting with your legal representative.

        Helpful information and contacts

        JCWI have published a helpful one pager on everything you need to know about the Rwanda Act here

        Just Right Scotland have information available here for people seeking asylum and here for organisations supporting them.

        No Evictions Network flyer (*NB Care4Calais Detention phone number is 0800 009 6268 and JCWI helpline is 0800 160 1004)

        Right to Remain have published helpful information for those affected by the Rwanda Act here

        Right to Remain have also published information on immigration raids and rights here

        The Routes Collective have suggestions here about how to show support.

        The Scottish Refugee Council has a list of legal representatives in Glasgow here

        Find details of your local MP using your postcode here