Domestic Violence and NRPF Sub-group
Tackling and Preventing Destitution
Welcome to our partnership page for the sharing of experience and knowledge of supporting people with a visa status of No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) and who are victims of domestic violence
Working with people who have experienced domestic abuse and who also have an immigration status of NRPF can be complex work. Our sub-group was set up to share information and work together to find pathways out of destitution. Minutes from previous meetings can be found below.
It is advisable to get immigration legal advice as soon as possible in these cases.
On 16th February 2024, there were changes made to the DDVC (formerly the destitute domestic violence concession) which has now been renamed as the Migrant Victims of Domestic Abuse Concession (MVDAC)
We are in the process of making sure we have up to date information on this change and will upload information as soon as possible.
You may find helpful information on the Rights of Women website. Scroll down to the immigration section for information about MVDAC.
NB you must tell the Home Office if you separate from your partner and your visa is based on that relationship.
The Support for Migrant Victims (SMV) Fund is also still available.
Although there is no office in the North East, Shakti Women’s Aid have offices in Edinburgh and Glasgow with advisors there who can help apply for the Support for Migrant Victim’s Fund for any location in Scotland. This is a fund for women and men who have a status of NRPF and cannot access the DDVC (Destitute Domestic Violence Concession) route.
Contact: Debarati Bhattacharyya
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0131 475 2399
The scheme accepts referrals from third sector agencies, local authorities and statutory bodies.
Meeting Minutes
To access the minutes please click the button below and enter your password. To obtain a password please contact us