No Recourse North East
Tackling and Preventing Destitution
Welcome to our partnership website for the sharing of experience and knowledge of supporting people with No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF)
Tackling and Preventing Destitution for people with No Recourse to Public Funds
Many people from outside of the UK have ‘no recourse to public funds’ stipulated in their visas, preventing them from accessing most housing, homeless and welfare benefit assistance. The majority of people will have no problems as they work and stay in Scotland, but a significant number may run into unexpected and sudden problems for a wide variety of reasons. Often people affected find themselves in very difficult circumstances, usually with a significant impact on young and vulnerable people. Food poverty, housing and fuel debts etc. can quickly lead to destitution.
Accessing public funds can affect all non-UK nationals including those EEA nationals who have lost their right to reside. Rules and laws around these issues are very complicated and there are many exceptions. The No Recourse North East Partnership promotes ways of working that prevent people falling into destitution, as well as joint working that supports those that are in crisis and significant need. Our vision is for a region that is compassionate and welcoming to everyone, with systems and structures in place that prevent destitution and provide a safety net for all.
Please visit our Resources pages for useful information and Training materials which can be used to raise awareness around the issue of NRPF.
Latest News
EUSS Monthly clinics
NEXT CLINIC 20th JULY 2024 Our NRNE Partnership Facilitators and Citizens Rights Project volunteers; Iona, Laura and Vikki have new dates for their EU Settlement
EUSS Monthly clinics
NEXT CLINIC 20th JULY 2024 Our NRNE Partnership Facilitators and Citizens Rights Project volunteers; Iona, Laura and Vikki have new dates for their EU Settlement Scheme Application Support Clinics. These clinics will be held monthly and appointments can be made by emailing [email protected] These clinics can assist with: Late applications, for those whom missed the application deadline of 30th June *NB HOME OFFICE HAS TIGHTENED RULES AROUND LATE APPLICATIONS; THESE NEED REFERRED URGENTLY AS HIGHER LEVEL IMMIGRATION ADVICE REQUIRED AND GROUNDS AND
Latest news on the Safety of Rwanda Bill
Since the passing of the Illegal Migration Act and the new Rwanda Safety Bill, we have seen immediate action from the UK Government in implementing plans to forcibly remove vulnerable individuals. The Home Office are forging ahead at an extremely heightened pace to identify individuals for removal to Rwanda, a country that our own UK Supreme Court has ruled as unsafe. The Safety of Rwanda Act has enabled the UK Government to ignore the Supreme Court ruling and progress with
Latest Tweets
Many people are suddenly being invited to their asylum interviews after a very long wait.
This is a daunting experience, and it's important to be prepared.
Our Toolkit page breaks it all down. 👇
We must do more to give refugees hope.
We must do more to give refugees opportunities.
Including refugees in our schools, workplaces, health systems and communities is part of how we can do this.
NRNE Partnership Lead Organisations
The NRPF Project No Recourse to Public Funds: Tackling and Preventing Destitution is funded by the Fairer Aberdeen Fund whom we thank for their support.
Get involved with us
Our main working group meets quarterly by Teams. Should any organisations or individuals working with groups affected by no recourse issues wish to join us, please get in contact to be added to the mailing list and receive details of our next meeting.
There are also two sub-groups – one for International students with NRPF status and one for people affected by Domestic Violence with NRPF status.